Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Old County Fair ©

By Morgan Lorenzo

(Memories of childhood)

"Riddle me this
And riddle me that"
So says the man in the black hat
Waving his wand all around
If you notice,
He's not touching the ground

"What hath three eyes 
But only one that opens?"
"Lad over there, pose you a guess
To win two pence?"

As if summoned, the crowd had gathered
Rapt in awe and wonder
As though naught else mattered.
His smile spanned from ear to ear 
and eyes a crimson blaze.
A flourish, a bow and a wink 
He was set and ready to amaze.

From his hat a rabbit appeared
And skittered across the stage
Oohs and ahhs in a percolating wave
Uttered the young to advanced in age
A dove from thin air
And a damsel sawed in twain
No one would dare challenge
This magician's reign.

As the show progressed
The spell grew stronger
And the biting Autumn cold
Was felt no longer 
Warm apple cider 
Wafted on the night air.
Sticky- fingered children 
Were glad to be there
Cuz there was no place
Like the old county fair.

Slinking through the masses
Like ghosts on cats feet.
A bump, a nudge or even,
From under their seats.
Came the collectors
Of all that was rare and fine.
A fair was never complete
Without some of their kind.
With faces wide opened 
and wallets unguarded 
A fool and his money 
Are so easily parted.

But let's not now grumble
And cause a big row.
Said he the magician,
Relax and enjoy the show.